About Me
Currently, I am working on my Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science at the University of Louisiana
at Lafayette.
I have a strong interest in both Artificial Intelligence and Virtual / Augmented Reality
Experiences. I expect to receive my degree
in May 2017. In the meantime, I am a full-stack ASP.NET developer at LEDA
working on an internal web application for activity logging and business contact management.
- C# / .NET
- Java 8
- Python 3
- Javascript / jQuery
- C++
- HTML and CSS
- Microsoft ASP.NET and MVC 5
- Windows
- Debian Linux and Derivatives
This website, however spartan, serves as a testing ground for web technologies. Currently, it uses
Twitter Bootstrap 3 and jQuery 1.12.0.
Contact Me
If you'd like to get in contact with me, please send an email to:
Chris Boudreaux
For more detailed information, check out my LinkedIn Profile